work pants day

So I am totally making this up, but I’m calling today Work Pants Day. Many of us have been home for several days in a row (with several days ahead of us), and we’ve had the opportunity to wear our favorite comfy clothes for several days in a…

what is helping me 💕

When any part of my life feels uncertain or out of control, I try to focus on the things that I CAN do. We can only do our best, and in this challenging season in which we find ourselves, I want to encourage you in ways you can be&nbsp…

do you know about barre?

Listen to this: A low-impact, high-intensity  exercise program designed to give you long, lean muscles in 30-40 minutes a day, 5 days a week. Oh and here’s the best part–you can do this program from the comforts of your own home! Or really…