
It is just so nice to meet you!

THANK YOU for jumping on my page.

I know that your time is so precious, so I truly appreciate you sharing it with me.

I have been married to My Love for 13 years now. I have given birth to four children–two boys and a girl and then another boy…all in less than 6 years. I feel as though now that we are out of the baby years, I can think clearly again. I can sleep again at night. I can be more of “me.” I LOVE being a mom. I mean, goodness…these four little people came out of me. I can’t even handle the awe of it all sometimes. But man. It is easy to get lost in caring solely about them to the detriment of your own health and mental well-being. It does not have to be an either-or. In fact, I feel like I’m such a better mother when I have taken care of myself first. I NEED to exercise because it makes me feel good. I NEED to get up early because I love the quiet and it helps me start my day off with my Quiet Time and my own thoughts. I don’t even think it’s selfish to carve out the things you need for yourself. If it makes you a better you, then it should be a priority.

On Labor Day 2012, I started a journey that truly has changed the course of my life. I had had 2 babies within 19 months and my body just did not even look like anything I remember. But more so than that, I FELT just disgusting. This is not about vanity weight, this is about “I don’t even like myself.” And I’m all about feeling good on the inside but the way I looked on the outside was impacting how I felt on the inside. If you can separate the two, that’s great. But for me, it was all related. I didn’t like how I felt in my clothes, I did not want to be in any pictures, I did not want to even go anywhere. I just was not in a good state.

And that year, I decided to take action. My second son was 4 months old at the time, and I said “enough.” I decided to start an at-home fitness program and become an online coach at the same time. Yeah, in hindsight I probably should have become a coach later, but I guess I am one to go “all in.”  I became a coach because I thought maybe I could earn additional income while I was sharing my own fitness journey. But I have remained a coach because I truly am honored to have a small role in the lives of so many people who just want to better themselves. I love being able to help someone believe she can do what she once thought she could not do. And the ripple benefits…our whole lives are changed for the better when we just feel better about ourselves. It brings me such great joy, knowing that my commitment had a small role.

Yet even more, I love to help women create additional income for themselves. It is all about having options. My coaches are professional women who have additional options for themselves and their families. This community of bright, educated people are changing lives not because they “have to” but because they WANT to. It is a beautiful thing to see the financial reward as well. It’s a honor to work with this team of people.

Somehow along the way, I became a statistics professor. I mean, if you knew how much I cried when I took statistics in graduate school, you would be just as shocked. But here I am, again, helping people believe that they can do what they come into my classroom thinking they cannot do. I teach advanced statistics to doctoral students in education. So we focus on statistics that help them understand their students, teachers, and communities. I am NOT a statistician. Not even close. But I do try to take these advanced methods and help them understand how it can not only relate to what they do but also help them be better at what they do.

And in all of these “roles,” my faith keeps me stable. I am thankful for a God Who actually wants a relationship with us. I am thankful that He provided a way for us to approach His throne of grace with confidence through the sacrifice of His Son. I became a believer when I was 13 and I strive to honor Him in my life. Not even close to getting it right all the time, but I am thankful for His grace that gives me another chance.

If I could sum up my life, it would be this:

I want to help people who want to be better people.

What that means is it is my desire to help you reach whatever goal you have set for yourself. That plays out in several ways, but specifically, as a time management strategist, I am your coach. I work with you to identify the habits, situations, and simple steps that can improve your life.

I am a professional woman who is a wife and a mother (and a bonus mom to three adult children!). I desire to live a healthy, balanced life–healthy in my body and healthy in my relationships. I love God and I want to raise a Christ-loving family.

I would love to work with you!