
With Thanksgiving this month, we hear and say a lot of things about being thankful.

Each morning I write one thing for which I am thankful in my daily planner.  Sometimes it is a little thing “a pretty fall day”… “a quiet morning.” Sometimes I write about my family or good health.

But this one part of my morning routine helps get my mind right first thing in the morning.

This morning my heart was heavy about several things, and I started just flipping back through my daily planner over the past few weeks and reading all the things I had written to fill in the blank: “I am grateful for…”

Friends. I started to weep! I’m not saying all the issues that were on my heart were solved or all the burdens were no longer there…

I’m saying that my heart was just filled with so much gratitude for so many wonderful blessings that all the other stuff no longer consumed my mind.

So if you are struggling today, if life just feels like a lot right now, I want to encourage you to focus instead on something for which you are grateful, however big or small.

It might change your outlook, and it will definitely encourage your soul.

If you’re curious about the day planner I use, you can find it here. I focus on 30 day goals at a time in light of my long-term goals. I have been faithfully using this planner for years, and I was given this link to share with my friends! Feel free to check it out!

Having a heart of gratitude,


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