I’ve realized something about myself

We’re in the middle of our No Excuses November month, and here’s my realization.

I am full of excuses.

I mean, truly.

So many excuses.

Of course, I think I’m smart. So I justify them as “reasons.” I’m logical with “explanations.” I have convinced myself that things just can’t be so why even try.

Did you see what I just said there: why even try?

I’m pretty sure that’s the mantra of someone full of excuses.

But here’s the breakthrough.

I decided I had had enough.


No more limiting myself. No more convincing myself that “okay” is good enough. No more giving in to fear.

Yeah, I said it. Fear. That’s really where it all starts. I’m afraid of trying. I’m afraid of failing. I’m afraid of not being able to sustain “success.”

It’s been a big month for me–this realization. 🙂

So if you struggle with the same excuses, the same type of reasoning, the same line of thinking that is keeping you stuck…

Now is YOUR time.

If you needed an extra push, an extra boost of confidence, here it is: 

I’m here with you, and we are stronger together. Fill out your info here and let’s connect!

No More Excuses,


About The Author


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