
These are a few of my favorite things!

Push Journal
How do I do it all? I have a PLAN! This is the 30-day journal that I use daily to stay on track to hit those big goals (as well as all the daily tasks). I highly recommend these journals! Oh and use the coupon code DrStephanieSteele.
I use this fresh, delivery service often, particularly when we are in a busy season. You will love the ease of not having to worry about preparing healthy meals!
Okay so this is for the people who want a quick way to wash fruits and veggies (I’ve heard of filling your sink with water and vinegar, but I would never do that. Just keeping it real!). You spray this wash on your produce and rinse it off after 2 minutes. Not only does it remove bacteria, pesticides, wax, and soil, it also actually helps your produce stay fresh for MUCH longer! (the bottle says up to 200% longer!) I listened to a podcast about all the residue that is on our produce by the time it gets to us (so much of it comes from other countries) that it scared me enough into wanting to do more than just do a quick rinse with water. 🙂 So if you are looking for an easy solution, I love this little bottle. It is very eco-friendly.

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