I had a breaking point last week.
I’m talking, crying in my car on the way to drop the boys off at school…weeping to the song “Breath of Heaven” on the radio…my boys weren’t exactly sure what to think. Ha.
You know I’m all about self-care. Exercise, I say! Eat right, I preach! Get adequate sleep (well, I’m still working on that one, but Jude IS officially weaned and sleeping through the night!).
But self-care isn’t about any type of luxury, and it’s more than just exercise and good nutrition.
Self-care is a mindset. And I realized this week that I had it all wrong.
You see, I often say that I take care of myself physically so that I can take care of EVERYONE and EVERYTHING else I have to do. It’s a lot.
A lot.
But, you know, I have a lot of people who need me so you better believe that I have to take care of myself so that I can do.it.all.
But that’s where my mindset was all wrong.
Self-care is NOT about taking care of yourself so that you can take care of others.
It’s about taking care of yourself…for yourself…because you are worth it.
Yep. That’s it. It’s not for others, it’s for you. You matter. And even if you never hit another deadline and your kids eat chicken fingers for dinner for the rest of their lives, taking time to care for yourself just because you are you is what self-care is all about.
And it’s not necessarily about pampering yourself. That is why I say it is a mindset.
I had a dear friend show me what I couldn’t even see last week…I was trying to do it all for everyone else, showing grace to everyone else, trying to be all for everyone else…
But I did not think I was worthy of the same.
Deep, right?
I do believe that I am blessed to have several roles, lots of hats. But I do not believe that I need to run my own self into the ground to do it all. Something’s gotta give.
So I share all that with you today as we are in the midst of the holiday season. And if there ever were a time where all things can come crashing down it’s when on top of all the normal craziness you add in office parties and kids’ programs and special this and special that…
It’s enough to send us all tumbling into a bowl of starchy carbs.
So friends, I share with you as I too am learning about self-care. Whatever self-care looks like for you (exercising, reading, shopping, sleeping) is not even the point–the point is to believe that you are WORTHY of it…not because of what you can DO for anyone but for who you ARE.
I will share later more health and fitness related things as we approach 2018 but for now, know that you are worth it.
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