work pants day

So I am totally making this up, but I’m calling today Work Pants Day.

Many of us have been home for several days in a row (with several days ahead of us), and we’ve had the opportunity to wear our favorite comfy clothes for several days in a row.

For those of us who can work from home, the comfy clothes option is definitely a benefit.

But it does come at a cost.

Sometimes those loose, comfy pants aren’t telling us the whole story…we need those fitted work pants (or even jeans) to remind us of what’s really going on.

Hence, the newly-coined Work Pants Day.

Go on and wear them today–I did this the other day and was quickly reminded that all the snacks had found their place. 😆

Yes, these days are uncertain and stressful, and if we choose to eat our stresses away (that we cannot truly eat away), we could just fall deeper into feelings of despair.

Are you ready to make a plan?

It’s so cool that there are all kinds of resources online for us to stay active and moving.

But if you don’t have a plan, if you don’t have true structure, if you don’t have any accountability, then you aren’t really getting the full benefits that can come from having an at-home health and fitness strategy.

I would love to help you.

*Around thirty minutes of exercise.
*Daily nutritional supplement (that tastes like the yummiest treat).
*Daily virtual accountability and support.

It’s time to be proactive, friends. We might be asked to stay at home for a while, so let’s be intentional with the plan for our health.

Spring is here, and summer will be here before we know it. Let’s use this time to keep our bodies healthy and strong.

So go on and try on those work pants today, and let’s make a plan!


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